How do I reference a table from another source that I have modified?


How you reference the original table or figure will depend on the referencing style that you’re using, and the kind of source you’re referencing from. You can use Cite them right to view guidance and examples for the specific style that you are using (select your style from the drop down menu). Tailor the advice to the specific referencing style by choosing your style in the drop-down menu. 

You always need to reference a table or diagram if you have taken it from another source. If you have changed the table or diagram in any way, perhaps by adding more columns or including extra data, you will also need to include the fact that you have modified or adapted the original, alongside the reference.  

Check your module handbook and/or with your lecturer to see if there is any guidance on how to lay out and reference a table. If there is no specific guidance from your department, show that you have modified the information in a table or figure by including ‘adapted from…’ or ‘modified from…’. Choose one wording or the other and be consistent. 


  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2022
  • Views 733
  • Answered By Amy McEwan

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