My e-book is asking me for an 'Organisation ID'. What is this?

Some users have reported being asked for 'Organisation ID' when attempting to access VLeBooks. The only ID you ever need to access our e-books is your usual University of Exeter IT login.


You don't need to use an Organisation ID. To avoid being asked for one, try the following:

  1. Make sure you are accessing the book via the library catalogue. The links in your reading list should also work, but try accessing them via the catalogue just to be sure.
  2. If you still get issues then try accessing in a different browser. Most users report that this issue is fixed by switching to another web browser.

We would like a more permanent solution to this issue. Please email the details of the problem you had to, remembering to include the following:

  1. A link to the page you tried to access the e-book from
  2. A screenshot of the error message
  3. Your browser type and version
  • Last Updated Aug 23, 2022
  • Views 168
  • Answered By Phil

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